Steam Price $19.99
Release Date 3/12/2024
Developer Prophecy Games
Publisher Prophecy Games
Steam App Id 2687970

TRIBES 3: Rivals Price Tracker

TRIBES 3: Rivals costs $19.99 on Steam and can be purchased as a standalone game. Take a look at the deal tracker and Steam key marketplaces to get a deal on your next purchase. Pricing data for TRIBES 3: Rivals is fetched directly from the Steam and updated in real-time as publishers make changes to the store page.

Last Updated: 5/19/2024

91 Players In-Game
Player Score
  • Windows
  • Mac
  • Linux

Price History Steam Chart

TRIBES 3: Rivals costs $19.99 on Steam. It can be purchased as a standalone game or through a bundle like TRIBES 3: Rivals - Ultimate Edition which give a discount off base price.

Use the Steam chart below to track price history changes or explore more tools to get the best possible deal.


Steam Price Data

Historical breakdown of TRIBES 3: Rivals price changes on Steam. Use the table below to track deals by month and see how frequently it goes on Sale.

MonthBase PriceLowest PricePrice ChangesDays on Sale
May 2024$19.99$19.9900 Days
April 2024$19.99$19.9900 Days
March 2024$19.99$17.99112 Days

TRIBES 3: Rivals Deals & Discounts

Discover exclusive deals and unbeatable discounts for TRIBES 3: Rivals through our partner marketplaces. Get a large discount (sometimes 80% off) by purchasing a TRIBES 3: Rivals Steam key through them.

We only work with the best and most-trusted marketplaces to ensure a smooth experience. After purchase, you will immediately receive your Steam key and game activation code. Take advantage of these offers and dive into the world of TRIBES 3: Rivals without hurting your wallet.

TRIBES 3: Rivals DLC

TRIBES 3: Rivals has 2 downloadable add-ons available for purchase on Steam which are TRIBES 3 - Daily Suit Skins Pass (1 Year) or TRIBES 3 - Daily Weapon Skins Pass (1 Year).

Related Bundles

TRIBES 3: Rivals is included in 1 bundle in the Steam Store. Purchasing through a bundle can give a large discount off the game's base price if you are willing to purchase multiple apps all at once.

TRIBES 3: Rivals - Ultimate Edition banner image
TRIBES 3: Rivals - Ultimate Edition33$59.97View

Related Packages

TRIBES 3: Rivals is referenced by 1 package in the Steam Store. A package (or sub) is simply an item that can be purchased on Steam.

TRIBES 3: Rivals$17.99View

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Steambase has best-in-class data powered directly by Steam, our data partners, and in-house experts. Data is enriched, cleansed, verified, and updated in real-time to ensure we surface the most up-to-date information. Learn more about the Steambase approach to data collection.

TRIBES 3: Rivals data has been sourced from:


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