Escape Hospital-脫出 失憶病棟 Demo
原創遊戲《脫出_失憶病棟》即將在10月發行,這是一款結合密室逃脫與解謎劇情的一般向文字冒險遊戲(AVG),只要以滑鼠左鍵點擊(和少量鍵盤輸入)就可以輕鬆遊玩。 玩家一開始在醫院醒來,發現自己失去了入院前的記憶。密室就散佈在醫院裡的各處,隨著劇情推進,玩家作為病人,會遇到醫師、護理師和其他醫院裡的角色。在與他們的對話中,可以感受到醫護人員真實的生活和工作的情形。 故事裡的背景都是參考國內真正的醫院和醫學院來取景,在解謎的同時,玩家也可以一探平時神秘的醫院,包括病房、手術室、實驗室等等地方。 試玩版包含最前面的三個章節,可以探索病房。
Escape Hospital-脫出 失憶病棟 Demo Deals & Discounts
Discover exclusive deals and unbeatable discounts for Escape Hospital-脫出 失憶病棟 Demo through our partner marketplaces. Get a large discount (sometimes 80% off) by purchasing your Escape Hospital-脫出 失憶病棟 Demo Steam key through them.
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About Escape Hospital-脫出 失憶病棟 Demo
Escape Hospital-脫出 失憶病棟 Demo is a Demo developed by 白袍恐懼症. On 9/16/2021, it was released on the Steam Store by 白袍恐懼症. Escape Hospital-脫出 失憶病棟 Demo can be played and ran on both Windows and Mac systems. At the moment, there is no confirmed information regarding Steam Deck support for this demo app.
According to Steam’s category system, Escape Hospital-脫出 失憶病棟 Demo supports the following features:
- Family Sharing
- Game demo
- Single-player