揭谛 Demo
《揭谛》为以“NVL maker”开发、个人制作兽人同性向的文字恋爱类游戏,游戏中玩家将扮演主角以“破解系统”为契机与兽人建立关联、寻找实现种族间的和平之法。
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About 揭谛 Demo
揭谛 Demo is a Demo developed by 团购规划局. It was released on the Steam Store by 团购规划局. 揭谛 Demo can be played and ran on Windows systems. At the moment, there is no confirmed information regarding Steam Deck support for this demo app.
According to Steam’s category system, 揭谛 Demo supports the following features:
- Game demo
- Single-player